More than 3000 songs |
Add your own songs |
Import your own songs |
Over 300 background images supplied in 4:3 or 16:9 format |
Categorised background picture collections. |
Add your own images. |
Multiple images. Different image per verse |
Much improved photo album slide show. |
Improved advanced search options. Find any text within a
Song/Bible/Liturgy. |
Incremental backup. backs up everything. Database, Plans,
Pictures, Video files, PowerPoint files, Web pages, Audio
files, Alerts, Admin option settings and projector settings. |
Optional Cloud syncing and backup. |
18 looped video backgrounds. |
Add your own video backgrounds. |
Change font colours live. |
Play video clips on their own or as a background. Improved! |
Play audio files as a background. Improved! |
Visualization background option for audio. |
Play YouTube videos. |
Display Web pages live. |
Display offline Web pages and documents. |
Live camera with text over (Requires capture card or
Firewire). |
Up to 22 Bible versions available. (NKJV & NIV 2011 NRSV anglicised now
available) |
Integrate with PowerPoint (optional)*. |
Display liturgy. |
Built-in spell check. |
Change background mode live.
Camera/Image/Video/Colour/Audio/Multiple images |
Switch Bible translations live. |
Multiple text colours for leader and response parts. |
Left, Centre and Right justify text. |
Single screen display. |
Extended monitor display. |
Re-sizable user interface. |
Compatible with wide screen computers and projectors. |
Automatic paging of notices. |
Fade in and out effects for text and images. |
Text fade, per verse or per item. |
Countdown feature on screen with auto start facility. |
Automatic recording of songs for CCLI. Now recorded on a
separate database to prevent overwriting during backup
retrieval. |
CCLI Reporting tool, links you to the song or searches for it. |
Reminder for when your CCLI is about to expire if required, (optional). |
Easy to use for computer novices. Much more intuitive. |
Favourites facility for your frequently used Songs and
Liturgy. |
Drag and drop to easily and quickly change the order of
service. |
Compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 |
Multiple message alerts (Pop-up message for nursery calls
etc with pre-defined selections). |
Timed message alert (appears at pre-defined time) . |
Time-sequenced notices. |
User-defined control of projector functions (e.g. Freeze,
Blank, Power etc,) direct from your PC keyboard. (Requires
projector with RS232 (serial) control) |
Filtering options by Category, Author or Key. |
Facility for adding music reference, key, categories and
comments. |
Position and size text region. |
Instant phrase display from Song/Liturgy (for extended
only). |
Print-out facility, print out all your song words in the
plan, print out all of your
song titles. Print out Bible
verses. |
Import and export songs. |
Choose font style, size, colour, background for
each individual song. |
Full improved Bible text search and instant display |
Display a single Bible verse or a range of verses. |
Create multiple service plans for repeat use. |
Merge service plans. |
Merge databases. |
User defined file creation. |
Import and export songs. |
Improved Bible Word/Phrase counts. |
Press F1 using a specific facility at any time to get
relevant help. |
Built-in flash tutorials. Under the 'Help' menu. |
Optional notes field for the operator. |
Verse order sequence control. |
Instant display Bible verse HotKey for non planned readings.
Press '\' (Backslash) then enter Book,Chaper, Verse. |
Shadowed or Outlined text (Gives even better clarity with pictures and
video backgrounds). |
English Bibles supplied: ESV(anglicised), KJV, NASB, Darby, Youngs,
Webster. |
Optional Add-on modules for: GNT(anglicised), NLT, NRSV, The
Message, NIV 2011 anglicised, NKJV, NRSV anglicised. |
Other language Bibles supplied: Portuguese, German
Schlachter, Spanish RV, Italian Riveduta, French LSG,
Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch SVV, Albanian, Afrikaans. |
Large text area for adding Liturgy. |
Instant phrase display by clicking on the text. |
Complete formatted service plan (for print-outs). |
Read-only Service Plan (as a template, if required). |
Comprehensive display controls. |
Optional touch screen buttons. |
User group for shared resources, tips and tricks. |
Integrated output monitor. |
Auto-setup facility for "Projector Function Control" for a
number of projectors. |
Preview of slides for PowerPoint*. |
Optional PowerPoint loop facility*. |
Start PowerPoint presentation from any slide*. |
PowerPoint Slide range selection*. |
Digital clock display. |
Compatible with wireless presenters. |
Instantly display any verse by pressing one key |
Clearer and simple commands for ease of use. |
Ongoing free updates. |
Free email support. |
Tutorials for getting started.
Much more... too much to list! |
*Requires PowerPoint Office 365 or PowerPoint 2019 installed to use the
PowerPoint features, PowerPoint is not required to run